Workplace alcohol testing is an effective and recommended way for all businesses to maintain a safe workplace and to reduce workers’ compensation claims. Additionally, DOT employers must conduct alcohol testing to maintain regulatory compliance. DOT employers should have a Workplace Substance Testing Policy in place that outlines the specific processes and requirements for alcohol testing.
There are a number of situations that necessitate an employee perform a breath alcohol test.
- Post-accident: Anytime there is an accident, it is prudent to eliminate the possibility of substance use. DOT employers are required to perform alcohol testing after a qualifying accident.
- Random testing is an effective method of deterring alcohol use in the workplace as it allows the employer to test the employee at any time. A random alcohol testing program is also required for regulated industries (i.e. FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA)
- Reasonable suspicion of alcohol use
- Return to Work
MFP Work Wellness has provided breath alcohol testing for our occupational health clients for two decades. We have the appropriate equipment – both mobile and calibrated confirmatory breathalyzers – and qualified Breath Alcohol Technicians (BAT) on staff to perform breathalyzer testing at our offices. Additionally, MFP Work Wellness recognizes that your need for breathalyzer testing may occur outside of traditional office hours. Therefore, for our established clients, MFP Work Wellness stands ready to administer time-sensitive breath alcohol testing 24/7, whether it be a DOT-initiated breathalyzer test before dawn or a post-accident breathalyzer on the weekend. In fact, we will come to your business location to administer the breathalyzer testing.

MFP Work Wellness
At your Office, We come to you!
Toll Free: 877-837-6507
1025 W. Meeting Street
Suite 200
Lancaster, SC 29720
8351 Charlotte Hwy.
Suite 200
Indian Land, SC 29707