Injury Care – Workers’ Comp
A workplace injury can have a meaningful impact on a business and its workforce. When a workplace injury occurs:
- The employer’s top priority should be to help the employee recover quickly and safely with minimal business interruption.
- Ensure the injured employee receives needed medical treatment without delay.
- MFP Work Wellness educates the injured worker on the benefits of returning to work.
- We offer 24/7 emergency call, same-day appointments at both of our locations, and a dedicated team that coordinates ongoing care.
- MFP Work Wellness has an online web portal to quickly view results and resorts.
- We provide comprehensive return-to-work (RTW)
It is the goal for those businesses partnering with MFP Work Wellness to experience shorter injury case durations, improve return-to-work outcomes, fewer OSHA recordable, and lower overall health care costs.

MFP Work Wellness
At your Office, We come to you!
Toll Free: 877-837-6507
1025 W. Meeting Street
Suite 200
Lancaster, SC 29720
8351 Charlotte Hwy.
Suite 200
Indian Land, SC 29707